Saturday, February 24, 2007

My friends on the sidewalk at the abortion center tell me it has been very busy! Well, let's see, yes, six weeks after New would be. Then again six to eight weeks (or more)after Valentine's Day, and then again after the prom. On and on. How sad.

I have been away from the sidewalk because I have a new job. After praying about it for a long time, I accepted the job because I believe it is what God wills for me. I loved doing sidewalk ministry for Him. I asked Him not to take me away from it, and away from my friends. I prayed to be able to come back to the abortion center. And...thanks be to God, my prayers are answered! Things have settled down at my new job, and it looks like I can return to the abortion center where I can minister to people, and just as often, if not more, they minister to me.

I have been trying to stay in touch with Kathy. I have received emails from Chris. He is really tenacious. Even though I do think he is way out there...I also think he is a saint! I have been praying for Stan because he hurt his back. I miss Connie, and Charles, and the homeless man, Carl.

My new job is very time consuming, and I work alone most of the time. I am outside working in the woods. It is very peaceful and I can pray and meditate on God's love and mercy. I can say the Rosary and Chaplet of the Divine Mercy out loud as if I am on the sidewalk at the abortion center. Even though I have not been there physically, I am there every day mentally.

I think God put a passion for sidewalk ministry in me...I want to be there, but only for Him. So, wherever He sends me, whatever it is He wants me to do...I will look to Our Blessed Mother for guidance. I will ask her to help me so that I will diminish my own will and do His will. She is the perfect model for all women, and especially for women in a crisis pregnancy. She said yes.